Nine West
Sat, Mar 14, 2015 2:17 PM

What do you think guys, about  these sweet pumps:,default,pd.html?variantSizeClass=&variantColor=JJGD9A2_1&cgid=8346252&prefn1=catalog-id&prefv1=ninewest-catalog

Alice, postgirl?

or these:,default,pd.html?variantSizeClass=&variantColor=JJ1ANC6_1&cgid=8346252&prefn1=catalog-id&prefv1=ninewest-catalog

I love both of themkissSo sweet!!! Great for summer,  different colors are available. Cannot decide which one to pick. I think the second ones heels are too high, a little  too much of a sky-high. But so so sweet!!!  Everything will be gone while I am thinkingsad 


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